Untangling the Web of Relationships: Part 4 Communication. 

Imagine a world where every conflict can be resolved, every misunderstanding can be cleared up, and every relationship has the opportunity to thrive. That is the power of open and healthy communication.

In the intricate dance of human relationships, communication serves as the foundational pillar that supports the elements of a healthy relationship, such as trust, connection, respect, and intimacy, Especially if one or both people struggle with resentment and insecure attachment. Whether it’s a romantic relationship, friendship or familiar bond, how we communicate significantly impacts the quality of our relationships. In this portion of the relationship series, we will explore the importance of effective communication in relationships, provide some practical tips for fostering open, honest, and meaningful interactions, and discuss how therapy can help you develop your skills better.

As we have discussed, resentment can be a pervasive and destructive force in relationships, often stemming from unaddressed issues and a lack of open communication. The roots of resentment and the role of communication in addressing it are crucial for fostering healthy and fulfilling relationships.

To overcome resentment in relationships, it is important to take the time to understand where the resentment stems from. Therapy can help you determine your feelings and where they might be coming from. Some sources include betrayal, hurtful words, inconsiderate behaviour, lack of support or prioritization. When these feelings fester and go unaddressed, it can lead to a breakdown of emotional openness and vulnerability. By recognizing the signs of resentment,  like passive-aggressive behaviour, reduced empathy and increased conflict, we can work to address our feelings and overcome them.  

1. Active Listening Techniques to Understand the Source of Resentment

Active listening is a fundamental aspect of effective communication and can help partners understand the underlying source of resentment. By genuinely hearing each other’s perspectives and validating their feelings, an environment conducive to open dialogue can be created.

2. Expressing Emotions and Grievances in a Constructive Manner

Constructively expressing emotions and grievances is essential for addressing resentment. This involves communicating feelings without hostility or defensiveness, allowing both partners to share their perspectives openly and honestly.

3. Working Together to Find Solutions and Prevent Future Resentful Feelings

Finding solutions and preventing future resentful feelings requires a collaborative effort. Partners should work together to address underlying issues, make genuine apologies, and create prevention plans to guard against recurring behaviours that lead to resentment

Overcoming resentment in relationships is a complex but achievable endeavour that hinges on transparent and empathetic communication. By recognizing the roots of resentment, actively listening to each other, expressing emotions constructively, and working together to find solutions, partners can foster trust, prevent resentment, and fortify their relationship.  Transparent communication is the bedrock of thriving relationships, and by embracing open dialogue, individuals can unlock the true potential of their relationships, making them more fulfilling and resilient

In any relationship, communication is pivotal in fostering a secure attachment. When this falters, it can profoundly impact the attachment style within the relationship. In terms of insecure attachment, which was discussed in an earlier blog post, the effects of communication can be particularly challenging to navigate. 

Let’s explore how insecure attachment can impact communication in relationships and discuss strategies for overcoming these obstacles.

1. Fear of Abandonment

Individuals with insecure attachments may harbour a deep-seated fear of abandonment, which can manifest as communication barriers. This fear may lead them to avoid open and honest communication out of concern that it could push their partner away. As a result, important issues may need to be addressed, ultimately leading to feelings of resentment.

2. Overreliance on the Partner for Validation

Insecurely attached individuals may struggle with an overreliance on their partner for validation and reassurance. This reliance can create imbalanced communication dynamics, where one partner’s need for constant validation stifles open and authentic communication. This dynamic can strain the relationship and hinder the development of a secure attachment.

3. Difficulty in Expressing Emotions Due to Fear of Rejection

Expressing emotions is a fundamental aspect of healthy communication in relationships. However, individuals with insecure attachment may find it challenging to express their emotions due to a deep-seated fear of rejection. This difficulty can lead to misunderstandings and emotional distance, further exacerbating the insecurity within the relationship.

While the effects of insecure attachment can be significant, there are strategies that individuals can employ to nurture a secure attachment through effective communication.

  • Cultivate Emotional Awareness and Regulation: Developing emotional awareness and regulation skills can help individuals with insecure attachments communicate their feelings more effectively, reducing the fear of rejection and fostering a secure attachment.
  • Practice Open and Honest Communication: Encouraging open and honest communication within the relationship creates a safe space for both partners to express their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or abandonment.
  • Seek Professional Support: Couples therapy or individual counselling can provide valuable support in navigating the challenges associated with insecure attachment and improving communication patterns within the relationship.

Tips for Enhancing Communication in Relationships:

  1. Active Listening: Practice active listening by giving your full attention to your partner, maintaining eye contact, and validating their feelings.
  2. Express Yourself Clearly: Be open and honest about your thoughts and feelings, using “I” statements to express yourself without blaming or accusing your partner.
  3. Respect Differences: Understand that you and your partner may have different communication styles, and respect these differences.
  4. Set Aside Quality Time: Create opportunities for meaningful conversations by setting aside dedicated time to connect with your partner without distractions.
  5. Seek Professional Help When Needed: If communication challenges persist, consider seeking the guidance of a couples therapist to improve your communication skills.

Effective communication is the cornerstone of a healthy and thriving relationship. As you can see by prioritizing open dialogue and employing communication strategies, partners can build a strong foundation, maintain trust, and navigate challenges together thus moving their relationship from an unhealthy to a healthy and secure relationship. 

Effective communication is the lifeblood of any successful relationship. It serves as the primary vehicle through which individuals express their thoughts, feelings, and needs, as well as understand those of their partners. Here are some key reasons why communication is vital in relationships:

1. Creating a Safe Space for Open Dialogue

Open dialogue creates a safe and nurturing environment where partners can express themselves without fear of judgment. By actively listening and validating each other’s perspectives, couples can foster understanding and emotional connection.

2. Building Trust and Intimacy through Sharing Thoughts and Feelings

Sharing thoughts and feelings openly is essential for building trust and intimacy. When partners communicate authentically, they create a deep emotional bond, fostering a sense of security and closeness within the relationship.

As you can see, communicating your needs, thoughts, and feelings helps build the healthy relationship we discussed at the beginning of the mini-series.

Communication Strategies for Maintaining a Healthy Relationship

Here are some communication strategies that can help you develop and maintain the healthy relationship we are all striving for. 

1. Set Boundaries and Expectations through Communication

Clear communication of boundaries and expectations is vital for maintaining a healthy relationship. By openly discussing individual needs and mutually establishing boundaries, partners can ensure that their relationship is built on respect and understanding. Feel to check out more on boundaries here.

2. Resolving Conflicts through Constructive Communication Techniques

Conflicts are inevitable in any relationship, but how they are handled makes all the difference. Employing constructive communication techniques, such as active listening, empathy, and compromise, can help partners navigate conflicts effectively and strengthen their bond.

3. Celebrating Victories and Supporting Each Other through Effective Communication

Effective communication involves addressing challenges, celebrating victories, and offering support. By expressing appreciation, providing encouragement, and actively engaging in each other’s successes, partners can reinforce their connection and create a positive, uplifting dynamic within the relationship.

Individual therapy can significantly improve communication in relationships by helping individuals develop essential skills and insights. Here’s how individual therapy can aid in enhancing communication within relationships:

  1. Exploring Personal Factors: Individual therapy allows individuals to explore past experiences, hardships, and personal factors influencing their relationship behaviour. You can better understand how these factors impact your communication style and patterns by having insight into your thought processes and emotional responses.
  2. Learning Effective Communication Skills: You can practice effective communication and listening skills through individual therapy. This includes techniques such as active listening, expressing thoughts and feelings constructively, and reducing misunderstandings to foster open dialogue.
  3. Establishing Healthy Boundaries: A therapist can help you establish and maintain healthy boundaries within your relationships. This creates a framework for respectful and constructive communication with your partner.
  4. Gaining Self-Awareness: Individual therapy fosters self-awareness, allowing you to recognize your behavioural patterns and emotional triggers that may impact your communication in relationships. This awareness enables you to make conscious, positive choices in your interactions with others.
  5. Improving Conflict Resolution Skills: Therapists can assist in developing effective conflict resolution skills, which are essential for maintaining healthy communication within relationships. This includes managing conflicts respectfully, maintaining a positive attitude during disagreements, and encouraging open communication even during difficult times.

Individual therapy can be valuable for improving communication within relationships. Therapy offers a supportive framework for improving communication, addressing underlying issues, and working through feelings of resentment or insecurity. Whether through couples therapy or individual counselling, the guidance of a trained professional can empower you to foster a healthier and more fulfilling relationship by providing you with the tools, insights, and self-awareness necessary to foster healthy and constructive interactions with your partners.

Check out Part 1 of the Mini-Series Here: Untangling the Web of Relationships: Recognizing Unhealthy Relationships

Check out Part 2 Here: Untangling the Web of Relationships: Part 2 Resentment

Check out Part 3 Here:Untangling the Web of Relationships: A Mini-Series: Part 3: Insecure Attachment

Untangling the Web of Relationships: A Mini-Series: Part 3: Insecure Attachment

I probably don’t need to reiterate this, but relationships are complex and often challenging to navigate on a good day. An insecure attachment style can significantly impact relationships, making that complexity and challenge even more apparent. This leads to difficulties in making deep emotional connections, fear of abandonment, struggles with emotional regulation, depression, and low self-worth. In this part of the mini-series, we will explore the three main types of insecure attachment: anxious, avoidant, and disorganized, how they may impact you and your relationship, and how speaking with a therapist may be able to help. 

Our attachment style plays a vital role in our relationships. Have you asked yourself why you keep repeating behaviours or notice an unhelpful pattern in your relationships, even with different partners? 

In the book “Attached” by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller the authors explore three main styles of insecure attachment: Anxious, avoidant and disorganized. Anxious attachment is characterized by a fear of abandonment and a strong desire for closeness. Avoidant attachment involves discomfort with intimacy and a need for independence, often pushing people away. Disorganized attachment combines traits of anxious and avoidant styles, leading to unpredictable behaviours in relationships.

Anxious Attachment Avoidant Attachment Disorganized 
Clingy tendencies
Highly sensitive to criticism (real or perceived)
Needing approval from others
Jealous tendencies Difficulty being alone
Low self-esteem
Feeling unworthy of love
Intense fear of rejection
Significant fear of abandonment
Difficulty trusting others
Avoidance of emotional or physical intimacy
A strong sense of independence
Difficulty expressing feelings
Dismissive of others
Hard time trusting people
Feel threatened by anyone who tries to get close to you
Spend more time alone than interacting with others
Believe you don’t need others in your life
“Commitment Issues“
Fear of rejection
Difficulty in regulating emotions
Contradictory behaviors
High levels of anxiety
Difficulty trusting others
Signs of both avoidant and anxious attachment styles

Each attachment style affects relationships differently. While someone with an Anxious attachment style may have a deep desire for closeness and excessive reassurance. Someone who is avoidant often struggles with emotional intimacy and tends to push people away.  Alternatively, someone with a disorganized attachment style is a bit more confusing. Both pushing people away and, at the same time, desiring closeness. 

Whatever category of attachment style you find yourself in, insecure attachment takes an emotional toll on both partners. Those with anxious attachment often will experience heightened levels of anxiety, fear of abandonment and low sense of self-worth. Individuals with avoidant attachment struggle with intimacy, suppress their emotions and find it hard to ask for help. All of which lead to misunderstanding, conflict and a lack of fulfillment in relationships. 

 all three create a cycle of negative behaviours. For example, someone with an anxious attachment style who is excessively clingy and demanding reassurance and attention may overwhelm their partners and cause them to withdraw. This in turn feeds into their anxiety and anxious behaviours. Someone who has an avoidant attachment style alternative may be reluctant to let people get too close, which can lead their partners to pursue them, which also reinforces their avoidant behaviours  Those with disorganized attachment tend to be a bit more unpredictable and contradictory in their actions which makes their partners confused and distressed. 

These behaviours lead to a lack of trust, difficulty forming and maintaining intimacy, frequent misunderstandings, and emotional instability. The cycle of seeking reassurance, distancing, and unpredictable behaviours can create a persistent pattern of instability and emotional distress, making it challenging to build a healthy and secure relationship.

“The trick is not to get hooked on the highs and lows and mistake an activated attachment system for passion or love. Don’t let emotional unavailability turn you on.”

― Amir Levine, Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find—and Keep—Love

If you want to achieve a positive outcome in your relationship and no longer repeat patterns of unhealthy behaviour caused by your attachment style, attending therapy may help. By learning to regulate your emotions better, improving communication skills, increasing your sense of self-worth and building trust in others, you may see a shift in your attachment style.

Attachments often develop early in life and remain stable throughout our lives. However, this doesn’t mean they can not change to a more secure form of attachment. In order to make this chance you may need to develop or improve your self-awareness and an understanding of what that negative pattern of behaviour looks like and implement ways to resolve attachment issues. 

Remember you’re not alone in this journey; By attending therapy you can:

  1. Learn About Your Attachment Style: Understanding your attachment style is the first step. Identify the associated thoughts and behaviours to work towards a secure attachment.
  2. Increase Emotional Awareness: Managing and expressing emotions effectively enhances empathy and fosters secure attachments.
  3. Learn to Communicate Openly and Listen Empathetically: Express hopes, fears, and concerns respectfully. Non-verbal communication, such as eye contact and nodding, is equally important.
  4. Act Opposite to Your Anxious or Avoidant Style: Challenge your attachment style by taking small steps towards independence or intimacy, depending on your specific pattern.
  5. Minimize Stressors: Commit to self-care, address conflicts early, and engage in calming activities to reduce stress and its impact on attachment issues.

In addition to learning more about yourself and the cycle of patterns therapy can help with providing practical strategies that can help foster healthier relationships.

You will be able to learn things such as:

  1. Setting Aside Regular Time for Reflection: Reflect on how you and your partner can help each other feel respected, understood, and loved to deepen intimacy.
  2. What Healthy Relationships Look Like: Surround yourself with individuals in healthy relationships to learn from their behaviours and set appropriate boundaries in your partnerships.
  3. How to Minimize Stressors: Commit to self-care, address conflicts early, and engage in calming activities to reduce stress and its impact on attachment issues.
  4. Increasing Emotional Awareness: Managing and expressing emotions effectively enhances empathy and fosters secure attachments.
  5. How to Communicate Openly and Listen Empathetically: Express hopes, fears, and concerns respectfully. Non-verbal communication, such as eye contact and nodding, is equally important.

Therapy can be an effective tool in addressing and healing insecure attachment by providing a supportive and compassionate environment to explore and understand your attachment patterns. Attachment-based therapy aims to build or rebuild a trusting relationship. and hopes to prevent and/or treat mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression. 

Individuals learn to develop a secure attachment style by addressing past traumas, promoting self-compassion, and enhancing communication skills, ultimately leading to a more secure and stable sense of self and improved interpersonal connections

Don’t forget to check out Part 1 of this Untangling the Web of Relationships: Recognizing Unhealthy Relationships

Don’t forget to check out Part 2 of this Mini-Series. Untangling the Web of Relationships: Resentment


Choosing Therapy. (2023, December 21). Attachment-Based therapy: How it works, techniques, & effectiveness. https://www.choosingtherapy.com/attachment-based-therapy/

Kadir, N. B. A. (2017). Insecure attachment. In Springer eBooks (pp. 1–8). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_2025-1

Lmft, M. F. L. (2022, December 5). Coping with an insecure attachment style. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/marriage-insecure-attachment-style-2303303

Mandriota, M. (2021, October 13). Here is how to identify your attachment style. Psych Central. https://psychcentral.com/health/4-attachment-styles-in-relationships#secure-attachment

mindbodygreen. (2022, August 23). Do you have an insecure attachment style? What it means + How to heal. Mindbodygreen. https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/insecure-attachment-style

Psychology Today. (222 C.E., July 28). Attachment-Based Therapy. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/therapy-types/attachment-based-therapy

Robinson, L., Lawrence Robinson, Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. and Jaelline Jaffe, Ph.D., Segal, J., Ph. D., & Jaffe, J., Ph. D. (2024, January 8). Attachment Styles and How They Affect Adult Relationships. HelpGuide.org.

Team. (2023, July 29). Attachment Styles in Adult Relationships – Complete guide. Attachment Project. https://www.attachmentproject.com/blog/four-attachment-styles/

Untangling the Web of Relationships: Part 2 Resentment

Imagine a scenario where resentment festers, anxiety thrives, and attachment feel insecure. Depending on the context of your relationships, this may be easy to imagine.  Relationships are the tapestry that interweaves our lives, shapes our experiences and influences our emotional well-being. However, as cracks appear, it is important to recognize the underlying issues contributing to our relationships’ disharmony. Throughout this article, we will begin to examine the intricate world of relationships. Exploring the challenges that resentment, anxiety and insecure attachment pose. By understanding their effect and implementing strategies toward growth, we can foster healthier connections and embark on the path toward fulfillment and emotional security. 

Take a moment to reflect: On a scale from 1 – 10, where 1 is not satisfied, and 10 is satisfied, how satisfied are you in your relationships?

Understanding Resentment. 

So, what is resentment? Well, resentment is a complex emotion often defined as anger and indignation due to unfair treatment. In a relationship, it can stem from various causes, such as unmet expectations. Lack of support, unresolved conflicts. And perceived injustice. It can have detrimental effects, leading to communication breakdowns, emotional distance, and a decline in relationship satisfaction. It erodes trust and intimacy, creating a toxic environment that hinders personal and relational growth.

Signs of Resentment. 

Recognizing signs of resentment in a relationship is crucial for addressing and overcoming this complex emotion. Several signs can indicate its presence, including:

  1. Unresolved Arguments: When one partner continues to do things that bother the other despite being told otherwise.
  2. Lack of Attention: Feeling ignored or unappreciated, leading to the buildup of resentment.
  3. Overthinking the Relationship: Constantly reflecting on and feeling detached from the relationship.
  4. Constant Arguments: Engaging in frequent and unresolved conflicts.
  5. Emotional Distance: Feeling disconnected from your partner and experiencing a lack of intimacy.
  6. Passive-Aggressive Behavior: Behaving in a subtly hostile manner towards your partner.
  7. Holding Grudges: Inability to let go of past grievances and holding onto negative feelings.
  8. Feeling Invisible or Inadequate: Engaging with people or places that remind you of past mistreatment leads to feelings of invisibility or inadequacy.
  9. Inability to Let Go of Anger: Difficulty in letting go of anger and a strong desire for revenge.

Recognizing these signs and addressing them through open communication and, if needed, professional help is essential for preventing its negative impact on relationships.

 It is essential to understand and address resentment, which is crucial for personal well-being and healthy relationships. It involves taking responsibility for one’s emotions and recognizing that resentment is often rooted in internal struggles rather than external circumstances.

Therapy can be instrumental in helping individuals deal with feelings of resentment. Here are some ways in which therapy can assist in addressing and overcoming those feelings

  1. Identifying Root Causes: A licensed therapist can help individuals identify the underlying causes of their resentment, whether it stems from past experiences, unmet expectations, or ongoing conflicts.
  2. Cognitive-behavioural Tools: Cognitive-behavioral therapy offers tools to assess the thoughts behind resentment, helping individuals decide whether these thoughts are accurate and helpful.
  3. Self-Expression and Communication: Therapy provides a safe space for individuals to express their emotions and learn effective communication strategies to address and resolve their feelings of resentment
  4. Perspective Checking: Therapists can guide individuals in seeing the situation from different angles, which can help in reducing feelings of mistreatment and fostering empathy
  5. Addressing Deep-Seated Pain: Therapy can help individuals identify the pain or wounds hidden under resentment and work through them, ultimately helping to let go of grudges and bitterness.

By working with a therapist, individuals can gain valuable insights, develop coping strategies, and ultimately find healing and resolution for their feelings of resentment.

If you feel as though this could be something that helps you and your relationship, please feel free to book a consultation today.

“Anger cannot be overcome by anger. If someone is angry with you, and you show anger in return, the result is a disaster. On the other hand, if you control your anger and show its opposite – love compassion, tolerance, and patience – not only will you remain peaceful but the other person’s anger will also diminish.”

Dalai Lama

Don’t forget to check out Part 1 of this Untangling the Web of Relationships: Recognizing Unhealthy Relationships


BetterHelp Editorial Team. (2023, December 6). Managing your resentment | BetterHelp. https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/general/how-therapists-define-resentment-and-help-you-deal-with-it/

Elyassaki, I. (2022, May 27). 7 Signs of resentment in relationships. Naya Clinics. https://www.nayaclinics.com/post/7-signs-of-resentment-in-relationships

Learning to Love Your Resentment | Conscious Leadership Group blog. (n.d.). https://conscious.is/blogs/learning-to-love-your-resentment

Mager, D. (2017, January). 8 Strategies to work through anger and Resentment. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/some-assembly-required/201701/8-strategies-work-through-anger-and-resentment

Resentment – GoodTherapy.org therapy blog. (2019, March 5). GoodTherapy.org Therapy Blog. https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/psychpedia/resentment

Understanding resentment. (n.d.). MentalHelp.net. https://www.mentalhelp.net/blogs/understanding-resentment

WebMD Editorial Contributors. (2020, November 25). Signs of resentment. WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/signs-resentment

Untangling the Web of Relationships: Part 1 Recognizing Unhealthy Relationships

So you may be asking yourself, ‘What is a healthy relationship, and how do I know if I am in one?’

Many of us have never experienced a healthy relationship, or a relationship we thought was healthy turned out to be unhealthy or abusive. 

In the book “Intimate Relationships” by Rowland Miller and Daniel Perlman and the concept of attachment theory, healthy relationships are categorized by several essential qualities that contribute to their strength and longevity.

  1. Trust: Trust forms the foundation of a healthy relationship. It involves having confidence in your partner’s reliability, integrity, and intentions.
  2. Respect: Mutual respect is essential, encompassing the appreciation of each other’s individuality, boundaries, and opinions.
  3. Effective Communication: Open and honest communication is vital for understanding each other’s needs, expressing emotions, and resolving conflicts.
  4. Intimacy: Emotional and physical intimacy foster a deep connection and vulnerability within the relationships.
  5. Friendship: A strong friendship forms the basis of a healthy romantic relationship involving companionship, shared interests, and laughter.
  6. Commitment: Both partners are dedicated to the relationship’s growth and well-being, demonstrating loyalty and perseverance.
  7. Healthy Conflict Resolution: Constructive conflict resolution involves addressing differences respectfully and seeking mutually beneficial solutions.
  8. Flexibility: Being adaptable and open to change contributes to the relationship’s resilience and growth.
  9. Enjoyment: Sharing joy, fun, and laughter strengthens the bond between partners.
  10. Attachment Security: Drawing from attachment theory. A secure attachment style promotes a sense of safety, closeness, and comfort within the relationship.

If your relationship is struggling in some of these areas, it by no means means you are in an unhealthy relationship. However, these might be areas that need work. 

By integrating these qualities into our relationships, we can cultivate a robust and enduring bond that thrives on trust, respect, communication, and mutual support. These qualities help foster healthy and fulfilling relationships, providing a roadmap for couples to navigate the complexities of intimate connections.

According to the Gottman Institute, which is known for its extensive research on relationships, unhealthy relationships can be characterized by ongoing negative interactions, which are a red flag that couples(friends and family as well) are edging towards divorce, separation or breakups.  The Gottman Institute also highlights that unhealthy power dynamics in a relationship, particularly in the decision-making, can also lead to resentment and divorce, separation or breakups, highlighting the importance of balance in relationships for overall well-being. 

Further, Gottman’s Method sheds some light on the pursuer-distancer pattern, which can also be a red flag for unhealthy dynamics. This involves one partner pursuing closeness and resolution during conflicts while the other person prefers to distance themselves. Being able to recognize this pattern can help to foster healthier communication and conflict resolution within the relationship. 

“great relationships—the masters—are built on respect, empathy, and a profound understanding of each other. Relationships don’t last without talk, even for the strong and silent type.”

― John M. Gottman,

Signs of Unhealthy Relationships.

It is crucial to distinguish between what is a healthy relationship, what is an unhealthy relationship, and what is an abusive relationship. By being able to recognize the signs of unhealthy and abusive relationships, we can take the first steps toward making an informed choice. 

Unhealthy relationships can manifest in many forms, including controlling behaviours, mistrust, disrespect and poor communication. It is important to be aware of these signs to help you protect yourself and your well-being.

Some examples of emotional signs that a relationship may be unhealthy include: 

  1. Frequent Disrespect: Unhealthy relationships are often marked by frequent disrespect, where one or both partners consistently undermine the other’s feelings, opinions, or boundaries
  2. Lack of Trust: Trust can lead to insecurity and hiding things from your partner. This can create a toxic environment within the relationship.
  3. Consistent Negativity: Unhealthy relationships can be characterized by a consistent negative atmosphere, where criticism, pessimism, and hostility prevail, leading to emotional distress.
  4. Manipulation: Emotional manipulation, such as guilt-tripping, gaslighting, or controlling behaviour, can erode the trust and well-being of one or both partners.
  5. Intense Mood Swings: Unpredictable behaviours and frequent ups and downs can create an environment where one feels the need to walk on eggshells around their partner, leading to emotional exhaustion and dissatisfaction.
  6. Extreme Jealousy or Insecurity: Feelings of extreme jealousy or insecurity can lead to controlling behaviours, isolation, and emotional distress within the relationship.
  7. Explosive Temper: Uncontrollable anger and explosive temper can create an emotionally volatile and unsafe environment within the relationship.
  8. Reproductive Control: Reproductive control, such as pressuring a partner to get pregnant or controlling decisions about pregnancy and parenting, can be a form of emotional abuse and control.

Unhealthy to Healthy Relationships

Therapy can play a crucial role in healing from an unhealthy relationship by providing individuals with the support, guidance, and tools needed to break free from unhealthy relationship cycles and foster emotional well-being. Below are some ways that therapy can aid in the healing process.

  • Self-Discovery and Growth: Therapy allows individuals to explore their values, needs, and beliefs, fostering self-discovery and personal growth.
  • Identifying Unhealthy Attachment Styles: A mental health professional can help individuals identify their attachment style, providing insight into how their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours may impact their relationships.
  • Improving Communication: Through therapy, individuals can develop and practice effective communication skills, which are essential for addressing challenges within relationships and creating a safe and supportive environment.
  • Breaking Free from Toxic Cycles: Therapy empowers individuals to become aware of and be held accountable for their relationship patterns, allowing them to break free from hurtful cycles that may be rooted in past trauma.
  • Recovering from Emotional Distress: Seeking help from a mental health professional can aid in recovering from the emotional distress caused by a toxic relationship, ultimately improving mental well-being and reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

“A healthy relationship is a feast of affection/giving for both people; not one receiving crumbs and trying to convince themselves it’s enough.”

– Shannon Thomas

By engaging in therapy, individuals can embark on a journey of healing, self-discovery, and personal growth, ultimately paving the way for healthier, more fulfilling relationships in the future.


BetterHelp Editorial Team. (2024, January 31). Top 10 Characteristics of Healthy Relationships | BetterHelp. https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/relations/top-10-characteristics-of-healthy-relationships/

Casabianca, S. S. (2022, April 18). Have an unhealthy attachment to your partner? Healing is possible. Psych Central. https://psychcentral.com/blog/healing-unhealthy-relationship-attachments

Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (n.d.-a). What does an unhealthy relationship look like? Mass.gov. https://www.mass.gov/info-details/recognizing-the-signs-of-unhealthy-relationships

Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (n.d.-b). What does an unhealthy relationship look like? Mass.gov. https://www.mass.gov/info-details/recognizing-the-signs-of-unhealthy-relationships

Gautam, S. (2023, July 22). Healthy Relationships vs Unhealthy: 6 Ways How Your Relationships Affect Your Health – Written By Shweta. Written By Shweta. https://writtenbyshweta.com/healthy-relationships-vs-unhealthy/

Horsmon, S., & Horsmon, S. (2021, February 3). How to avoid the Pursuer-Distancer pattern in your relationship. The Gottman Institute. https://www.gottman.com/blog/how-to-avoid-the-pursuer-distancer-pattern-in-your-relationship/

MSEd, K. C. (2023, November 9). Signs you might be in an unhealthy relationship, and what to do. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/signs-that-youre-in-an-unhealthy-relationship-5218237

Unhealthy relationships. (n.d.). Planned Parenthood. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/relationships/healthy-relationships/what-makes-relationship-unhealthy

Viezzer, S. (2023, December 7). What are the signs of an unhealthy relationship. Simply Psychology. https://www.simplypsychology.org/signs-of-an-unhealthy-relationship.html

What does a healthy relationship look like? (n.d.). The State of New York. https://www.ny.gov/teen-dating-violence-awareness-and-prevention/what-does-healthy-relationship-look

Don’t forget to check out Part 2 of this Mini-Series. Untangling the Web of Relationships: Part 2 Resentment